We are a group of enthusiasts who fell in love with Praga. In this part of Warsaw we implement our ideas for the development, revitalization, promotion of art and integration of residents. The aim of the Praga Station is to create an active, permanent center of cultural activities, created with the inhabitants and by themselves.
We disseminate knowledge about history and its meaning, learn about the current problems of the residents and actively participate in planning solutions and development of the district. An additional goal of our activity is to activate the elderly, helping them to strengthen their ties with the younger generation.
We are a group of friends and as an Association we create
space for action and activation.
Virtual Praga
As part of the project, we have implemented a website with the option of virtual walks, as well as a compendium of knowledge on 4 thematic areas: Prague chapels, Praga's architecture, post-industrial Prague and Praga Street Art. Completed materials in the form of detailed descriptions and photos will be available free of charge on the Association's website. It should be emphasized that the website is adapted to the needs of disabled people and WCAG requirements (including the possibility of switching to black and white mode or with increased contrast for the visually impaired). The association also carries out Virtual Walks in Prague, so that you can visit Prague and fall in love with it from a computer screen or a mobile phone. The Virtual Praga project was co-financed under the Culture program in the Network of the National Center for Culture.
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Praga Photo Sunday
The association organizes free themed walks around the Praga district aimed at a wide audience. One of them was the event: "Praga Photo Sunday", during which the interested were shown around interesting points on the map of Warsaw's Praga. In this way, the Association started building a community of people interested in the culture, history and uniqueness of Prague.
The Association ran a photo competition called "Prague Madonnas", in which participants interested in photography were asked to take artistic photos of Marian shrines in the Praga district. The distinguished works will be presented at a special vernissage organized by the Association at the opening of the new seat of the organization.
Come on and paint... Praga!
Painting open-air in Praga. Project suspended due to a pandemic situation.
Youtube Stacja Praga
Among the members of the Association, we can find numerous film and photography enthusiasts. For this reason, artistic and creative activities were focused on the area of creating video materials. In the first production carried out by the Praga station, the last days of work of the Wiklina plant, run by Mr. Sylwester for over 25 years in Praga, were captured. These and other personal stories make people who have so far not been interested in Praga feel sentimental about it. Thanks to such activities, we also record the most recent history of the district for future generations.
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our team
We are a group of friends and as an Association we create
space for action and activation.
Do you want to join us?
Feel free to write if you care about Praga and its people - welcome on board!
goals and statute of the association
Handful of information about the Stacja Praga association
Chciałbyś zareklamować swoją firmę, masz pomysł na wydarzenie? Skontaktuj się z nami! info@stacjapraga.pl
Kolaż ze Stacją Praga na 377. Urodziny Pragi! 💜
Kolaż ze Stacją Praga na 377. Urodziny Pragi! 💜
February 12, 202516:00 - 19:00 ulica Stalowa 1, 03-427 Praga-Północ, Polska
🎨 377. Urodziny Pragi - Kolaż ze Stacją Praga! 🎨
📅 12 lutego 2025 r.
⏰ Start: 16:00
📍 Na Winklu, Stalowa 1
Praga obchodzi swoje 377. urodziny! Z tej okazji zapraszamy Was na wyjątkowe, kreatywne spotkanie. Wspólnie stworzymy wielki kolaż na jednym płótnie – pełen wspomnień, symboli i inspiracji związanych z Pragą.
Nie musisz być artystą – liczy się kreatywność i dobra zabawa! Wpadaj, przynieś swoje materiały (wycinki, zdjęcia) albo skorzystaj z tych, które przygotujemy.
Świętujmy razem 377 lat Pragi w artystycznym stylu! 🎂🖌️
Ze względu na chwilowy (!!!!) brak lokum, to kreatywne spotkanie odbędzie się w gościnnych progach @Na Winklu.
Do zobaczenia- Wasza,
Stacja Praga! 🚋💛