We invite you to “Hustle in Praga”, which is hopefully not the last… CHESS TOURNAMENT AT PRAGUE STATION
Every week we meet at Stacja Prague for open chess meetings. It’s time to choose the biggest badass and chess brawler in Praga Północ!
The tournament is scheduled to start at 6:00 p.m. and the tournament will last until 6:00 p.m. 20:30

- Tempo 7min+2s 6 rounds
- Top 3 medals/diplomas, top 1 statuette
- AWARD for the brawler – a statuette
Submission limit:
Max 24 people.
Link to the event: https://fb.me/e/62slNePVQ
Applications by e-mail: szachysawicki@gmail.com; by phone 507816554 or registration on site (priority for players registered by e-mail)
Entry fee PLN 20.