It is often said that perpetrators of crimes commit them due to mental disorders they exhibit. We hear about psychopaths, sexually disturbed offenders, or those suffering from depression. But what is the actual connection between mental disorders and convicted individuals?
❓What mental disorders are diagnosed in offenders?
❓What are the correlations between the type of disorder and the committed crime?
❓How are disorders diagnosed in criminals?
❓Or perhaps such information is not accessible?
We will answer these questions during our August meeting. Join us at Stacja Praga on August 21st at 6:00 PM.
About the Organizer:
🌟 Beztroska Psychotherapy Foundation – We are friendly, we fight against being people pleasers, and we like llamas. We work hard to ensure you have access to reliable help. Workshops? We’ve got them! Free consultations with a psychologist? Absolutely! Training sessions? Of course. The best campaigns on the market? You bet.
🌸 If you like what we do, you can support us through
🌸 During the evening, you can support our activities by dropping a donation into the hat 🎩.
🎤 The meeting will be led by psychologist and lawyer Edyta Janik. Edyta’s scientific interests include clinical psychology and health psychology.
🧠 She actively participated in meetings of the Student Criminology Circle, where she expanded her knowledge in the fields of forensic science, criminology, and criminal law.
📚In the future, she plans to continue her education at a Doctoral School, where her research work will focus on issues at the intersection of law and psychology.
📍 VENUE: Stacja Praga, entrance from Zaokopowa 5.
⏱ START: August 21st at 6:00 PM
💸 ADMISSION: FREE ATTENTION –❗️ Registration is required❗️
📌 To register for participation, please click on the form: